Google G-Suite & Single Sign On
I'm looking into creating a single sign on with G-Suite users. Is this possible with the API auth? Does anyone have a working example of what this might look like? This page doesn't offer much in the way of samples -
If it is possible, does it REPLACE the Members sign on or is it in addition to?
Any resources and samples you can provide would be great thanks!
Do you want to log them into Perch or into the Members app in this case?
Neither actually. We want to protect certain pages, requiring a login using a Google email/password. Often I will protect a page we're working on and an a "restricted page" tag, which allows Members in the CMS to enter. But this isn't not what we want for these pages. I created (using Simon's password setup) for a simple password protected page, but those are one-off pages and simple passwords....a single password for anyone to have and access the page.
So this 3rd way, would ideally allow me to add the GSuite option to a page.
You'd need to create an app for that - there's nothing in Perch to do that directly.
What about using Gsuite users for Members?
That functionality does not currently exist.