
Thread tagged as: Problem

Cannot upload videos to Assets/Resources

Hi there, I'm on a local dev server setup, trying to make a new template for my clients. I'd like them to be able to upload a video if possible. My template appears to be working well, taking in images and text and putting them on the page correctly, except that I can't upload a video.

Template contains perch:content type="file" and this shows up as a "Select or upload a file" link with my label as expected. The test video file is .mp4, approx 5.4Mb.

Steps I'm taking:

  1. Clicking the "Select or upload a file" link opens the Select an Asset panel.
  2. Clicking the Add Asset button opens the 'Drop files here or..." section.
  3. Clicking that section opens my file browser, and selecting a file from my desktop and clicking "open" starts the grey/green uploading block then closes the section and returns to the Asset list, as it does for images.
  4. The video is not shown in the panel, even with filters cleared or in list format rather than grid format. I haven't set up any buckets so it's just the default. The video does not appear in the Resources folder either.

I've posted my diagnostics below and I see that on the PHP Limits line there is a reference to max file uploads and total max file uploads. Is that what's causing this issue, and if so, can I change it?


Health check

    Perch is out of date. You are running Perch 2.7.10 and the latest is 2.8.2. Update instructions
    PHP 5.5.12 is up to date
    MySQL 5.6.17 is up to date
    Image processing available

Summary information

    Perch: 2.7.10, PHP: 5.5.12, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: bf9ad53b11c9a57efdb1057292d73b928b8c5c77 $, with PDO
    Server OS: WINNT, apache2handler
    Installed apps: content (2.7.10), assets (2.7.10), categories (2.7.10)
    App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', );
    PERCH_PATH: C:\wamp\www\perch
    PERCH_CORE: C:\wamp\www\perch\core
    PERCH_RESFILEPATH: C:\wamp\www\perch\resources
    Image manipulation: GD
    PHP limits: Max upload 64M, Max POST 3M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 3M
    Resource folder writeable: Yes
    HTTP_HOST: localhost
    DOCUMENT_ROOT: C:/wamp/www/
    REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
    SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php

Julie Grundy

Julie Grundy 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

The reason you cannot upload a 5MB file is that your server limit is 3MB.

If this is local then you need to update that in your PHP.ini.

Thankyou, that worked perfectly!

If anyone else is having a similar problem on a local server, you need to open the php.ini file, look for the heading Data Handling, then find the line post_max_size. You might need to restart the server for the change to be picked up. You'll know you've done it right when Perch Diagnostics shows your new upload number in the PHP Limits line.