Sort products by a custom field in PayPal Shop app
I would like to be able to sort the products in the PayPal Shop by a new custom field.
I'm adding the field to the product.html and product_in_list.html templates as follows:
<perch:shop id="productOrdering" type="text" label="Order to display (1=top of page)" />
Then I'm calling this up in a page as follows:
That returns no products at all. But if I sort by one of the standard fields eg productPrice, this works fine.
Is it possible to sort products by a custom field?
Unfortunately that's not possible with some of the older apps.
Can I jump in with a quick question related to the above...
I gather then it's not possible to filter by a custom field at all when using the old Paypal shop app?
I want to allow editors to choose featured products for display on the homepage. When I try to filter by the custom checkbox I added to the products.html template, I don't get any results coming through on the homepage. Filtering by the standard fields works fine.
Is there any way I can allow editors to choose featured paypal shop app products for inclusion on the homepage? Or will I need to use the new shop app that's in beta? (I'm doing my first Perch build so hesitating to use the beta shop app as I get to know how all the basics work).
Thanks Paul
Paul - you've jumped onto a 5 month old thread.
If you need help please post your own thread - thanks!