Categories in Repeater (new thread 3/30/15)
I found another thread with the same topic, don't know if it was resolved.
I'm looking to use category checkboxes in a repeater.
Perch: 2.8.4, PHP: 5.6.2, MySQL: 5.5.38, with PDO
Server OS: Darwin, apache2handler
Installed apps: content (2.8.4), assets (2.8.4), categories (2.8.4), perch_backup (1.2)
App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', );
<perch:repeater id="vimeo_ids" label="Vimeo IDs">
<perch:content id="film_title" type="text" label="Film Title" title="true" help="This title is for your organization. Feel free to abbreviate." suppress="true"/>
<perch:content id="client" type="text" label="Client" suppress="true"/>
<perch:content id="vimeo_id" type="text" label="Vimeo ID" suppress="true"/>
<!-- Categories Tag -->
<perch:categories id="filmCat" label="Film Category" set="film-categories" display-as="checkboxes" required="true">
I tried both the set= slug and human-friendly versions.
What problem are you experiencing?
Nothing is showing up in the editor panel regarding the categories tag. No checkboxes, label or anything.
Still no luck :/
Does the same tag pair work outside of a repeater?
Yes, yes it does.
Is the attempt to categorise individual items within a repeater? If so, it may be worth rethinking your structure, as there's no way to filter on that basis.
Really? No filtering repeaters with Perch pages functions? I didn't think about that.
Repeaters aren't suited to independent content items - that's what items within a region are for. Repeaters are mainly for minutia.