
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog

Change Name of App on Dashboard


I'd like to use the Blog App for a client as the foundation of more of an Inventory List that automatically posts new items when they add them. Ultimately, I don't want to confuse them.

Is there a way on the Perch Dashboard for the App Name to be changed from "Blog" to something like "Inventory" or "Equipment"?


Greg Stone

Greg Stone 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You can create a language translation to do so. Translate any strings mentioning blog to be whatever you need them to be.

Hi Drew,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Forgive my limited knowledge, but what do you mean by "create a language translation"? Are you speaking about creating a new php file to do this, or simply making changes in a current php file?


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

The language file is in


You can translate any of the strings on the right hand side of each line. This doesn't involve any PHP files.

Perfect! Thank you!


I was able to successfully change all of the language except for in one area. I can't seem to figure out this specific word to be changed from Blog to Inventory -displayed in the image in the link below. Any help?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I think thats the title of your blog - you just don't have an interface to edit blogs because you're not using Runway.

I think you'll need to update it in the database. Do you have access to make edits? If so it's in the perch2_blogs table.

That did the trick! Thanks!