
Thread tagged as: Problem, Addons, Forms

Form not sending reposnses to email

A couple weeks ago after upgrading perch and the forms app, the form stopped sending responses to the email we had setup.

It still stores them in perch. But for some reason it doesn't send them to the email address i've setup in form settings.

The site is hosted on media temple grid.

I've checked Setting - email - Test email settings and that works.

any idea what could be causing this?

Dan Andersen

Dan Andersen 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Can you send emails from the form to any address? As in, are emails leaving but not being received, or are emails not leaving the server.


The emails weren't leaving the server. I figured out that after upgrading the form the: Send from address had been populated with the wrong form data code. ( {name} instead of {email} ) So my guess is that the server refused to send an email that didn't have a valid emailadress in the from field.