
Thread tagged as: Shop

Perch shop questions

Hi guys

It's great to see the new shop add on to this scale for perch.

I've a few initial questions about it to see if it's right for this new project I'm working on.

  • Can a user create a wishlist?
  • Is there an ability for a user to display and write product reviews?
  • Is there anyway within the demo that I can see what a product inner page would be like? Currently there is only one page of products for the shop and I can't click for more detail. It would be good to see how a page like this would work.


Peter Meenagh

Peter Meenagh 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Can a user create a wishlist?

No, but that feature is on the roadmap if you want to vote for it.

Is there an ability for a user to display and write product reviews?

No, but that's also on the roadmap. At the moment you could use the Comments app for this, although it doesn't have things like ratings - just the comments.

Is there anyway within the demo that I can see what a product inner page would be like?

What the product detail page is like it completely up to you. Perch Shop isn't a built out store system that you just theme with your own design. It's a set of tools that enable you to build the sort of site you want to deliver to your customers.