There's a sidebar, it has a link to 'my account', 'logout' and 'help/forum'. I'm pretty sure it's a way older version (prior to diagnostics/settings feature) but not sure how to tell which version. I'd like to know so I can follow the correct upgrade instructions. Thanks
You can find this in: Settings: Diagnostics: Summary information: Top line.
And if I don't see a Settings link?
You don't have a sidebar?

There's a sidebar, it has a link to 'my account', 'logout' and 'help/forum'. I'm pretty sure it's a way older version (prior to diagnostics/settings feature) but not sure how to tell which version. I'd like to know so I can follow the correct upgrade instructions. Thanks
If you have access to the database, you can look at the
table - that might tell you which version you have. Mine shows this:Thank you for your help!
It sounds as if you are not logged in as Primary Admin. You need to be to see Diagnostics and also to update Perch.
I finally figured that out as well. My bad. Thank you!
Also, the version number can be found in perch/core/lib/Perch.class.php