Currency Swap in Shop without Submit
I am trying to get a currency swap select to work in Shop, without needing a submit button. The form is triggering a refresh when I change select option, but the currency is not changing and debug is showing the old currency as still active. I have this:
<perch:form id="currency" method="post" app="perch_shop">
<perch:label for="currency">Currency</perch:label>
<perch:input type="select" options="<perch:shop id="currency_list" />" id="currency" required="true" class="autosubmit" />
<form id="form1_currency" action="/" method="post">
<label for="form1_currency">Currency</label>
<select id="form1_currency" name="currency" class="autosubmit" required="required"><option value="47">GBP</option><option value="44">EUR</option><option value="142">USD</option></select>
$('.autosubmit').on('change', function(){
console.log('something changed');
This might be a bit out of scope for support but would be great if you could take a look
If you don't use a Perch form submit button, you need to include the hidden control field:
But it might be better to include a proper submit button and then hide it with JavaScript. That way, if the JavaScript doesn't run for whatever reason, the form will still work.
Thanks Drew that worked perfectly. And thanks for the tip on hiding the submit, I will do that