
Thread tagged as: Problem, Configuration, Addons

category filter

Despite following the tutorials, researching and trying numerous methods I cant seem to show a single category in a set. Where am I going wrong?

I did manage to display the cat heading but I need to show all items listed in the category.

This gives me all items in my activities set but I need to list those that are just under one category. i.e..hem


 perch_content_custom('Activities', array(
  'template' => 'act-list.html',
   'category' => perch_category('activities/'.perch_get('cat').'/')


Denise Courtney

Denise Courtney 0 points

  • 6 years ago

'category' => perch_category('activities/'.perch_get('cat').'hen/')

If I add above I get my cat name, but still all the activities rather than just hen ones.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

What is cat= set to on your URL?

I got it working thanks. Reworked the categories and used the following. Just hope it continues to work ok.

<?php perch_content_custom('Activities', array( 'template' => 'act-list.html', 'page'=>'/activities.php', 'category' => array('activities/hen-stag', 'activities/hen-only') )); ?>