Details and Location tabs hidden in Perch 3 on pages with only one region
I've noticed that if a page has only one region, clicking on the page name takes the editor to the edit page for that region. The UI shows: Regions > Region name > Region Options
If a page has multiple regions, the regions are listed and the UI displays: Regions, Details, Location
This makes it difficult to find the Details and Location tabs for single-region pages. Editing a page's META tags, for example, is no longer obvious. An editor has to click Regions to go up one level.
Listing all regions, even if there's only one, should make things consistent and easier for editors, even if it means an additional click.
This was changed based on feedback, in general people didn't want the extra click - was a big requested feature for 2.9/3
Hi Rachel,
I can understand the desire to cut down on clicks, but this makes it difficult to edit page options for editors. There's nothing logical about hitting a "Regions" tab to get to the page details or location tabs. In addition, editors see two different UIs when clicking a page name depending on whether there's one or more regions, adding to the confusion. I think everyone wins if we could get an additional tab in front of those for regions that takes us to the page UI where the Details and Location tabs could be seen. I feel strongly that there needs to be some UI element that's not the "Regions" tab that allows an editor to edit page details.
It's not me you need to convince - the Perch 2 way of doing it was how I thought it should be. Lots of customers disagree with that, so we changed it.
To be honest, I was one of the big advocates for the new behaviour, but I do agree with Franz's points. The 'Location', 'Details', and 'Settings' tabs for a page should be visible at all times, even when editing a region.
The new way, although slightly better for single region pages, has really replaced one UI friction with another.