Block add bar shown twice 2
When I save a block the 'block-add-bar' links show twice below each block. I have updated MarkItUp. Not sure what else to try.
Perch: 2.8.6, PHP: 5.4.25, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: c85105d7c6f7d70d609bb4c000257868a40840ab $, with PDO
Server OS: Linux, cgi-fcgi
Installed apps: content (2.8.6), assets (2.8.6), categories (2.8.6), perch_blog (4.6), perch_events (1.9.2), perch_forms (1.8.3), perch_backup (1.2)
App runtimes: <?php include(PERCH_PATH.'/core/apps/content/runtime.php'); include(PERCH_PATH.'/core/apps/categories/runtime.php'); include(PERCH_PATH.'/addons/apps/perch_events/runtime.php'); include(PERCH_PATH.'/addons/apps/perch_forms/runtime.php'); include(PERCH_PATH.'/addons/apps/perch_blog/runtime.php'); ?>
PERCH_PATH: /home/pddh/public_html/perch
PERCH_CORE: /home/pddh/public_html/perch/core
PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /home/pddh/public_html/perch/resources
Image manipulation: GD
PHP limits: Max upload 20M, Max POST 20M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 20M
Resource folder writeable: Yes
DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/pddh/public_html
REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid__item one-whole">
<perch:block type="text" label="Text">
<perch:content id="text" type="textarea" markdown="true" editor="markitup" size="s" label="Text" />
<perch:block type="pullquote" label="Pull quote">
<perch:content id="quote" type="textarea" markdown="true" size="xs" label="Quote" />
<cite>— <perch:content id="cite" type="smarttext" label="By" /></cite>
<perch:block type="image" label="Big image">
<figure class="full">
<img src="<perch:content id="image" type="image" width="1600" label="Image" />" class="img--post" />
<figcaption><perch:content id="caption" type="smarttext" label="Caption" /></figcaption>
<perch:block type="inlineimage" label="Inline image">
<figure class="inline <perch:content id="class" type="select" options="Pull left|pull-left,Pull right|pull-right" label="Alignment" order="2" />">
<img src="<perch:content id="image" type="image" width="360" density="2" label="Image" order="1" />" class="img--post" />
That does sound like the old version of MarkItUp - can you double check your browser isn't caching the old files?
Thank you. Sorry, didn't realize the browser cached MarkItUp. Cleared it, and all is well.