Perch 3 suggestion - Clicking on Page title
One thing I notice in Perch 3 (was possibly in Perch 2 also) is that if a page only has a single region when the user clicks on the page title in the CMS it takes them directly to that region to edit.
However if the user wanted to edit the 'Page Details' this is not possible until their click the 'Regions' tab at the top again. This is a bit of a pain.
My suggestion would be to with have 'Page details' at the top still even when editing regions. or On the 'Pages' list view in the CMS, have a icon or some way for the user to go directly to the "Page Details". (This would be my preferred option).
There's not really room to add all the page tabs on the region edit page too.
Do you know you can use the breadcrumbs on the smartbar to step back up a level?
How about on the Pages list view? Just someway that is move user-friendly for users to be able to edit meta info, rather than clicking back. Just an icon or something?
This whole change was supposed to be more user friendly, so I guess it comes down to what any individual thinks is user friendly.