Upgraded to Perch 3 - Blog Categories not working
I had an old version of Perch which I have successfully upgraded to Perch 3 and updated all associated apps etc however the categories on my blog are not linking up.
They are blank on the front end and I cannot choose a category when adding a new blog/editing an existing one, however, when I click on 'Categories' I can see them all there?
Let me know which templates you would like to see and I will respond with them.
What's the name of your category set?
Hi Drew, it is 'blog'
That sounds right then. Can you post your diagnostics?
When you say "I cannot choose a category when adding a new blog/editing an existing one" what do you mean? Do you get a blank category field?
OK, we solved one problem. When adding a new blog post, I can now select a category, however I cannot get the categories to display in the front end.
I am using this code on /blog/index.php
What does debug output?
If you save a post that's in the weight loss category, what happens?
When you did the update, did it run through updating your posts?
When I add a post to the weight loss category, it dissapers from blog/index.php (which is supposed to happen).
The category listings down the right hand side then show as () () () and when I click on them, it goes to
However, I just noticed that when I went into Perch there and tried to edit the 'Blog' Category Set, that the set template and category template are both missing? What files are missing so I can upload them again?
Which version of Blog did you upgrade from? Make sure you've got all the default templates in place.