Template filter example - calculator
Hello everyone (Rachel, Drew - this isn't a support request).
I had an issue (here, if you're interested) - the reason I was passing the data into perch_template()
was that I needed the total number of items and I needed to be able to take that total and apply some simple math(s) operations to the number.
As you can't perform math(s) inside a template by default, I thought I would knock together a quick template filter to provide the functionality - here's the code for others to use, should you need similar functionality:
class PepperjackTemplateFilter_calc extends PerchTemplateFilter
public function filterAfterProcessing($value, $valueIsMarkup = false)
$value = (int) $value;
if ($this->Tag->calc) {
$calcs = explode(',', $this->Tag->calc);
foreach ($calcs as $calc) {
$parts = explode(' ', $calc);
$value = $this->calculator($value, $parts[0], $parts[1]);
if ($this->Tag->round) {
switch (true) {
case ($this->Tag->round == 'up'):
$value = (int) ceil($value);
case ($this->Tag->round == 'down'):
$value = (int) floor($value);
case ((int) $this->Tag->round > 0):
$value = round($value, (int) $this->Tag->round);
return $value;
private function calculator($operand1, $operator, $operand2)
$result = 0;
switch ($operator) {
case 'add':
$result = $operand1 + $operand2;
case 'sub':
$result = $operand1 - $operand2;
case 'mul':
$result = $operand1 * $operand2;
case 'div':
$result = $operand1 / $operand2;
return $result;
How to use
Enable template filters in your config
You will need to register the filter somewhere - up to you where:
PerchSystem::register_template_filter('any_name_eg_calc', 'PepperjackTemplateFilter_calc');
In your template, add the filter to the field you would like to manipulate:
Example - quick calculation:
<perch:content id="perch_item_count" filter="any_name_eg_calc" calc="div 3">
Example - multiple calculations:
<perch:content id="perch_item_count" filter="any_name_eg_calc" calc="div 3,add 10">
Example - control rounding of final value:
<perch:content id="perch_item_count" filter="any_name_eg_calc" calc="div 3,add 10" round="2">
Available options
actions: addition; subtraction; multiplication; division
calc="action number"
e.g. "add 10" (separate with space) - one calculation
calc="action number,action2 number"
e.g. "div 3,add 10" - multiple calculations separated with commas
The actions simply happen one after the other.
options: up PHP ceil; down PHP floor; number number of decimal places
I will whack this up on GitHub at some stage, but hopefully this is useful.
Genius. Thanks Duncan.