Uploading PDF type files on localhost not working
Hi, I'm trying to create a clickable image that opens a pdf document in a new tab but I continue to encounter two problems. The first is when a user clicks "Select or upload a fie" and goes to upload a PDF type file nothing uploads. Secondly when I tried doing this a different way by getting the user to paste the url of the pdf the "target='_blank'" section of the attribute would always be deleted. The code I am trying to use to get a pdf to upload is as follows;
<a target="_blank" href="<perch:content id="file" type="file" label="File" order="2" />">
<img id="pdf_link" class="z-depth-5 " style="width:60%; " src="<perch:content type="image" id="image" label="Image" />"
alt="<perch:content type="text" id="alt" label="Description" required="true" help="List of books" title="true" />">
How big is the PDF? Can you post your diagnostics report?
The PDF is 2,646KB in size. Just checked diagnostics and the problem seems to be a limit on files 2MB or larger. Thanks for directing me to this. How do you change this limit?
It's a PHP configuration, rather than something controlled by Perch.
Ok thanks I'll look into it.