Calendar Next 2 Months
This isn't an issue for me now, but just thought I'd let you know that I have a calendar set up to display this month and the next 2 months events. This was all working fine until for some reason yesterday (31st May) The calendar view for the next 2 months were blank and were both displaying the title May, instead of June and July. This morning (June 1st), this is all back to normal and working perfectly so not a problem for me but just thought there might be a fix required.
What code are you using to display your calendar?
I guess it comes down to how that
is interpreted.What is 31 May +1 month?
30 June is less than a month. 1 July is arguably more.
Of course, yes, wasn't a problem anyway
Valid question though! I'm not sure of the answer, but I'll think on it.