Add special formatting to Redactor
I want to add a CSS-class to internal links in Redactor. I added in the config-file the «formattingAdd» object found in Redactor settings. Unfortunately it does not work however the class is visible in the dropdown of Redactor. Your help is much appreciated.
config.formattingAdd = [{
"tag": "a",
"title": "Smooth scrolling",
"class": "page-scroll"
}] ;
How is it failing?
It does not add the CSS-class. The tag is still without.
Which version of Redactor are you using?
I am using the New Redactor 3.
It does sound like something more in the Redactor camp than anything to do with Perch.
Hello Martin,
If you only need the CSS class to target the internal links with Javascript (and not to apply any styling) to use for smooth scrolling, you could target internal links directly with Javascript instead.
Or you could use a library like Zen Scroll which doesn't require you to add any CSS classes to your internal links.
You're right, Hussein, thanks for your reply. In the meantime I solved it with Javascript. However, sometimes it would be nice to add a special style... I'll keep trying.
Martin, did you get this working? I just came up against it, too.
Hi Montgomery
Yes, I found a documentation on the website of Redactor:
Here's an example of how you can add special styles to your config-file:
Awesome. Thank you, Martin!
You're welcome. Could you please mark it as solutioned for other users?