
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Blog

select multiple sections for one blog post

Is it possible to be able to select more than one Section for a single blog post.

I have two sections but some blog posts fall under both sections. How can i select both?

Thyme Morris

Thyme Morris 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

A blog post can only appear in one section.

ok thanks. This is what i assumed. so i set up each section as a category instead but am having trouble filtering the post path by category. I'm assuming i can do this in the settings but i can't get it to work correctly?

any advise much appreciated

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

What are you trying and what is happening?

I have 2 blogs on one site and Both initially used sections to separate the blog posts. But most blogs need to go under both sections so I have changed to categories which work perfectly apart from the post slug.

So am after some advise on if I can give this a category slug?

previous Blog post page path was /{sectionSlug}/news/post.php?s={postSlug}

so i'm after /{catSlug}/news/post.php?s={postSlug}


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

There could be many categories associated with a post, so {catSlug] won't work - there's no way to tell which slug to use.

of course! That makes sense. i have fixed it i used: post.php?s={postSlug}

just removed the sections slug.
