Images are not showing up in Gallery
Uploaded images to a gallery. However... images do not show up on either the frontend or the backend. Checked FTP and the Images are sitting on the server under mod/resources. Any ideas?
fyi i'm using vs 2.2.6
The latest Gallery is 2.8.5, Perch is on 2.5.1
Make sure you have updated to the current version of Perch and the latest gallery app, then check if the problem still exists.
Is there another way to resolve this issue? My server does not have PHP 5.3 installed.
What else can you tell us? What happens when you try to upload?
Troy, maybe you have, maybe you haven't already:
I'm assuming here you use shared hosting. Lots of them actually have the ability to use a couple of .htaccess lines that tells the servers to use 5.4, instead of 5.3. If you contact your hosting, they will be able to tell you if this is possible.
My site is hosted on a VPS.
When clicking the add images button... i select files... see them added to the que... after pressing upload images... the status bar(s) go from 0% to 100%... the page refreshes... and directs me to the gallery page where no images are displayed.
However, the images are sitting on the server. When loggin in via FTP the images can be found in perch/resources/. For some reason they aren't being dumped into the gallery???
Do you have the Gallery app linked in your
file?If you are on a VPS then surely you can upgrade PHP. PHP5.2 is a security risk at this point because it is not receiving security updates.
I imagine that what is happening is that you have resources to upload but not resize the images. Does it work with a smaller image? Other than that I am not sure what we can suggest when you are on such an old version of our software, we've made lots of improvements and need you to be running the latest to debug issues.
What are the file size and dimension restictions?
There are a few restrictions imposed by PHP. The easy one is the file size you can upload.
A more complex restriction is memory allowance. PHP sets a limit that cannot be exceeded, but it's also dependant on available memory (which could be less than the limit). The amount of memory used to resize an image isn't something there's an easy formula for. Image dimensions and colour depth are factors, but I can't give you a fixed image size that will be guaranteed to work with your server configuration.
Issue is resolved... seems the file size wasn't the issue as much as dimension... i scaled my images down to 1600px and they uploaded just fine. Thanks for all the support!