
Thread tagged as: Problem

Form success message/ redirection

Hello. I see the following issue has been asked in the forum previously but don't think a reply has yet been given.

I have a contact form. It's at On submission, there is a success message. BUT: also on submission, the page is redirected back to the top, i.e. to (top of the page).

This is no good, since for the user, they submit the form and suddenly are taken to a different point in the page. If they scroll back down again, they can see the success message, but it's far from obvious.

What is needed is a way to stay at the # anchor link on submission of form.

I tried doing this by putting /#contact in the form options in perch control panel. This worked in terms of the redirect, but had the effect of disabling the success message.

Please advise! Thanks, Mark

Mark Day

Mark Day 0 points

  • 3 years ago

Apologies, I have done another search and found the solution here:

Basically, put action="#contact" in the form tag.

Thanks, Mark