Text not showing in template
I have made up a template but when I preview it on the page the text is not showing. The header and image show up ok.
<h3><perch:content id="heading" title="true" type="text" label="Heading" help="This will form the heading for the side panel"/></h3>
<img src="<perch:content id="image" type="image" label="side image" width="635" height="480" crop="true" />" alt=" <perch:content id="alt" type="text" label="Image description" />" />
<perch:content id ="body" type="textarea" label="Side body" textile="true" editor="markitup" />
Hi David,
Remove the space between the ID on your textarea that should do it
Thanks Dexter, that worked, better eyesight than myself!