How can I use separate templates for different blog sections
Hi, I'm trying to use blog sections to create 2 different post types (posts and special offers) that I want to present differently, i.e. I want to use different templates for each section - is this possible or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I'm using blog/index.php to list the posts section:
<?php perch_blog_custom([
'sort' => 'postDateTime',
'sort-order' => 'DESC',
'template' => 'post_in_list.html'
]); ?>
This works fine. I am using special-offers/index.php to list the special offers section:
<?php perch_blog_custom([
'count' => 4,
'sort' => 'postDateTime',
'sort-order' => 'DESC',
'template' => 'section_list.html'
]); ?>
Ideally the postSlug urls generated by the section_list.html template would output something like: special-offers/post.php?s=my-post-slug rather than blog/post.php?s=my-post-slug. That way I could use a different post.php to display the special offers using a different template.
This is the button link from section_list.html template <button><a href="<perch:blog id="postURL" />">Read More</a></button>
Is there some way to modify the postURL to get this to work? Or is there a simpler and better approach?
This was asked a few hours ago:
Thanks for that Drew, just what I was looking for.
I have another, hopefully very simple question: I need to use some simple logic in post.php to output some sidebar content depending on what section the post is in - how do I get the section name of the post in post.php?
Unfortunately, this doesn't work! Any ideas?
does need some improvements. Either useperch_blog_custom()
or test forsectionID
instead.Thanks Drew, testing for sectionID does the job. Looking at the perch_blog_custom option with skip-template - how would that work?
option returns the content as a PHP array, but that would include the section slug.Adam - take a look at
I had the same requirement and its probably solved the same way? ... Graham
Thanks for that Graham and Drew. It looks like a lot of heavy-lifting to use the perch_blog_custom / skip-template option, and it appears only to dump the sectionID and not the sectionSlug, so would it not be a lot simpler to test for sectionID using: