Suggestion for Perch Shop variant listings and delimiters...
Because the variants on an item are separated by a comma, it makes it difficult to sell things like event tickets...
As an example: I have a product that is a season package of tickets. The variables hold the subscription type and venue and the dates of the concerts. Because my option names need commas, it's hard to parse the selected variable in the cart and in emails... being able to set a delimiter other than a comma for the variables would be very helpful.
As an example, one option in my situation would be something like: Sat, Nov 24, 7:30pm, Manchester Essex Auditorium
And the season subscription product, when selected by the customer and combined looks like this: Senior Subscription, Sat, Nov 24, 7:30pm, Manchester Essex Auditorium, Sun, Mar 24, 2pm, Ipswich Center for Performing Arts, Sat, May 18, 7:30pm, Manchester Essex Auditorium
I'd love to be able to parse it and add line returns:
Senior Subscription
Sat, Nov 24, 7:30pm, Manchester Essex Auditorium
Sun, Mar 24, 2pm, Ipswich Center for Performing Arts
Sat, May 18, 7:30pm, Manchester Essex Auditorium
So being able to select a delimiter for the variables would really help.
Where is this?
So, It would be nice to be able to define the character (currently a comma) that joins the individual options in
...I'm suggesting the ability to define the join character to something other than a comma.
Yes, I understood, but I'm not sure where you're describing.