Asset Management Timeframe
Very happy with the asset management in the new Perch and clients love it.
However, one did get caught out the other day having uploaded lots of images direct to the assets panel ready for use, only to have them auto-deleted a few days later. Can I ask what the rules are for assets - how long do people have if they don't mark them as library/use them?
Also, are there any plans for 'admins' to have control over this timeframe?
Thanks as ever! Lea.
If they're not marked as library assets, and they're not in use, any assets older than 24 hours will be cleaned up.
Thanks Drew - any plans to have any control over that or is it something we should just be making people more aware of?
If there's enough opinion that there should be control over that timing, then I'd be open to a config setting for it.
It's really just designed as a grace period so that the assets don't get cleaned up before you've used them in a multi-editor environment.