
Thread tagged as: Problem

Perch 2.6 UI Issues

I'm still having a few UI issues even having upgraded to 2.6. Here are the problems:

  • The "Toggle Sidebar" link doesn't work.
  • The top menu looks like it should be fixed to the top, but that doesn't seem to be working. It disappears when I scroll down, and then reappears immediately at the top when I scroll back up again.
  • I can't scroll the LIST of assets when I'm choosing the photos to be used in a region. The whole page scrolls.

I'm in the latest version of Safari. I have hit refresh in the interface.

Paul Bell

Paul Bell 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

  • The "Toggle Sidebar" link doesn't work.

That's known and has been fixed internally.

  • The top menu looks like it should be fixed to the top, but that doesn't seem to be working. It disappears when I scroll down, and then reappears immediately at the top when I scroll back up again.

That's correct. It's at the top, but scrolls out of the way. It returns when you scroll back up to it.

  • I can't scroll the LIST of assets when I'm choosing the photos to be used in a region. The whole page scrolls.

How are you scrolling?

Ah thanks, Drew - Re 1 - great. Re 2, if that's intended, then it's fine. It just looked like a bug to me. Re 3, I have now been able to scroll that list - not sure why it wasn't working earlier.

Hi Drew,

The scroll nav bar has no transition properties being applied to it in Safari it's just instant (which makes it look buggy).

I did an inspect element and replaced

-webkit-transition: transform 200ms linear;


-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 200ms linear;

That seems to fix it