Options for setting up Perch Shop and Members area
Hi Guys. I'm familiar with Perch on a basic/medium level. I have a new requirement for a website and am looking for some guidance on what the most simplest approach would be. Basically I have a client who needs to set up a backend Members area with 3 levels of access (i.e: Gold, Silver & Bronze). In order to get this access you need to first register and subsbribe using a paid for shop service. This again will be a simple tiered annual fee. i.e. €250 €500 €1000. So I need a registration which leads to a shop which then automatically grants your email a password, giving you access to the site's members area. I've spent the afternoon exploring Perch Shop features and am aware that most of this functionlaity is included but am wondering do I use basic Perch + Shop or does it have to be Perch Runway + Shop + Mmebers area or ??? And what exactly do I need to consider with such a job/task. Would appreciate any help on this. Cormac
I'd suggest using Runway, you'd be making your life hard using regular Perch without routing etc.
As an approach I would initially plan the steps the customer needs to take as you can then look at how to use the Shop functions for that. The Nest Running Club demo has a members section so you could also take a look at that (it's Perch + Runway).
Okay thanks Rachel. I've not used Perch Runway yet, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I have already downloaded and played with the Nest Demo, so I have an idea of it's capabilities. One question though... It appears you can manually add members in the control panel through the members area. But does Perch have the ability to add to here automatically by simply gathering an email address and payment from an end user who wishes to buy membership on the site? o r will a member have to be manually added every time by the website manager?
You create the Member as part of the checkout flow. Members is how Shop customers are created.
Thank you Rachel. I'm assuming then there is a mechanism for tiered membership i.e. if a customer decides to pay £500 they automatically get a certain level of access to the members area.
Or would it just be best to have 3 separate buy now buttons, each automatically creating members with specific tags to give them specific level of access within the members area?
You could do either, the simplest would be to have three products at the different values as then you could use the automatic ability for Perch to assign the tag on payment.
If you are happy to write more code then you could apply the tags yourself based on value.
okay thanks again for your help on this. :)