Duplicate pages in the dashboard
Just logged in to a clients dashboard and there's duplicate pages, no content regions! Also there are content regions showing up as 'New' items in pages that are shared regions.
Of course deleting the new pages also deletes the physical file.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Regards Michael
(Perch v2.0.4)
First thought is update Perch - the version you're running is more than two years old.
Is it really! Wow!
There were some changes in Perch 2.4.8 which helped address this scenario. If it's the same problem, that was down to spam bots overloading the MySQL connection. We toughened up the code to stop the duplicates being created.
Ok, thanks.
Updated Perch, still duplicate entries. Is there a way to remove them safely?
I fixed the shared regions by unsharing and then sharing again.
Many thanks Michael
Just reading through release notes but has there been a change in images? Theres a gallery setup (not using the gallery app) and the images are not appearing on the page, but are showing up in admin > region.
Using this in a template...
<li><a href="<perch:content type="image" id="image" label="Image" width="640" height="600" crop="false" />" class="fancybox" rel="gallery" title="<perch:content id="text" type="text" label="Brief Description" html="false" required="false" title="true" />"><img src="<perch:content type="image" id="image" label="Thumbnail" width="121" height="121" crop="true" title="true" />" alt="<perch:content id="text" type="text" label="Brief Description" html="false" required="false" title="true" />" /></a></li>
Delete the 'new' items and the old ones should be restored.
Thanks. Images are still not appearing on the front-end, text content fine just no images.
I'm guessing it is something to do with perch_content_custom?
<ul class="thumbs clearfix"> <?php $opts = array( 'sort'=>'id' ); ?> <?php perch_content_custom('Image gallery', $opts); ?>
a field in your template?Apologies for the late reply. No, but previously it worked, so I presumed it was using the item ID?
Anyway it's sorted for now.
Many thanks