
Thread tagged as: Question, Events

Event details link not working not sure how to put the {eventSlug} code into the...

Newest version of Perch with the newest calendar widget.

Have question about the details link. How do you put the {eventSlug} code into the <perch:events id="?" /> or what do you do there to make it work. ~ Event page path from settings new calendar widget /events/event.php?s={eventSlug}
I am assuming I can use calendardetails.php?s= but what goes here

Earlier page path that worked from listings template What is the equivalent of the <perch:events id="eventID" /> in the new template? <a href="calendardetails.php?id=<perch:events id="eventID" />">DETAILS</a> ~

Carol Swinehart

Carol Swinehart 0 points

  • 4 years ago

Duh It is eventSlug instead of id

Asked and answered