
Thread tagged as: Question, Addons, Suggestions

Members App Improvements

Hi, I wondered if there were any plans to make some improvements to the members app in the near future? Every project our team uses it on we groan because we know our clients will invariably ask the same two questions:

  1. Why aren't registered members listed by their first and last names in the admin centre?

  2. Why can't I view or edit the member's profile information from the admin centre?

Others have suggested similar improvements on the old forums and they've been acknowledged, but nothing seems to have been done since then. I know you guys are probably busy with Runway, but could you let us know if you plan to add some new functionality to it soon, as it's quite frustrating in it's current state.


James Harrison

James Harrison 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, those are planned and will be done for the next update of the app.

Great, thanks for getting back so quickly.

Yes, this will be very great. I need this options too!