PHP warning in editor when using perch:categories' display-as="checkboxes"
Having the following show up in the admin interface:
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /Users/<snip>/perch/core/lib/PerchForm.class.php on line 713
My template looks like this:
<perch:categories id="projectCategories" label="Categories" set="projects" display-as="checkboxes" />
Any ideas? Works fine when I take off display-as
Thx, Michael
needs a closing</perch:categories>
Ah, got it. Looks like now there's just a rendering error (in Safari at least) in the editor, but that's fine — I don't really need to use display-as anyway.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Yes, I think there's something strange going on in Safari.