Multiple region perch_content_custom
I'm not sure what's wrong with this:
on page:
perch_content_custom(array('Search options', 'Front page text'), array(
Then on output, common_search.html:
<li data="<perch:content id="from_options" type="text"/>"><perch:content id="from_text" type="text" /></li>
The output for some reason is on two lines:
<li data="From search options region"></li>
<li>From text region</li>
Why does it split into two <li>, rather then:
<li data="From search options region">From text region</li>
This tag is not well formed
Hi, Drew.
This is just an example, I tried to simplify as much as possible. The real markup doesn't have this typo. I'm still not getting this to work. It always starts a new <li> elements.
If I print them straight as a text the id="from_text" has a space in front.
Can we see your actual code then, it's hard to help if we can't see the real code that isn't working.
Ok got it working a little differently.
I tried to get a list of pages with links and data-attributes for Javascript ajax sorting.
What I ended up using was modified navigation template. I added the properties as perch:pages attributes.
Only inconvinience is that necessary options are now in page details and not as template region. But that's ok. Perch_pages_navigation array didn't put the linebreak in the markup.