
Thread tagged as: Question

List pages created in last X days?

We use this function to create pages that list content pages meeting certain Navigation Group criteria:

<?php perch_pages_navigation(array( 'navgroup' => perch_content('Navigation group', true), 'levels' => 0 )); ?>

This is extremely useful to us in automatically building lists that our readers can scroll through looking for something of interest.

Is there a similar facility that we can use to create a page that will automatically list all pages created in the past X days?

The idea is to have a page called 'Most Recent Additions...'

Stefan Youngs

Stefan Youngs 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You could try sorting on pageModified, descending.

Thanks for the suggestion Drew. I've tried to do this but can't figure it out. Not enough of a programmer!

Is there a kind soul out there who could lend a hand? I'd like to make a content region that contains the link and first 200 characters from each Perch page created in the past 14 days using Template2.html

Thanks in advance.
