Problem After Install
I have just started using Perch however I seem to be having an issue. I have dropped the perch folder into my site, and added the line <?php include('perch/runtime.php'); ?> after changing my index.html file to index.php. Now all I get when I go to my site is a blank screen. the runtime.php file is definitely in the correct place, and there is no other php code on my site. After completing the initial setup, I also cannot access https://localhost:81/perch - this also gives me a blank white page so I cannot access the Perch Admin to generate a Diagnostic Report. The part that is most confusing is that nothing is shown in my error log related to this?
Thanks, Mike
Did you get a pass from the server compatibility test?
Hi Drew,
Yes I get the PASS: You're all set! message.
Thanks, Mike
What are you using for your local development environment? And where are you looking for an error log?
If you are getting a white screen you have a PHP error, so if PHP really is not reporting errors then you'll first need to find out how to do that using the local environment you have set up.
I am using XAMPP, and am looking for the error log in C:\xampp\php\logs\php_error_log. I have created a new php file with the line define('test'); for testing error logging. This shows an error in the browser and also shows the error in the php_error_log file, but there are no other errors in that file?
Thanks, Mike
It might be worth checking what Perch's absolute path is. I've found it doesn't always like being run in a folder, which is what is happening when you're accessing it via localhost.
I've found it ends up looking in htdocs for the perch file, rather than the file instance of the site.
It might be worth running it as a virtual host i.e. rather than localhost/perch
As no-one appears to be replying to my emails, this is a formal request for a refund. As stated on your website: "Buy a license – if you are not happy just let us know within 7 days and we’ll refund you."
Hi Michael - we've already refunded you. You should have received the email notification from Stripe.
No email received from Stripe? When was it refunded? Thanks
Yes, it's been refunded - the notification should have gone to your Hotmail account.