
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Shop

Thanks guys - I've just marked Duncan's last reply as the solution so anyone coming across this will know there are answers, although I realise you both deserve credit in this thread!

Our main motivation for getting the custom fields on the customer create form, is that we feel it makes a better user experience rather than, redirecting to a second page on registering - and it makes sense for me to have the telephone number near the email - what do you think?

Thanks Duncan for letting me know about that function - we'll have a play around!

Duncan Revell

Duncan Revell 78 points
Registered Developer


I think there are similar functions - I recall making myself a little app to get customer details, before realising it already existed. But I’d need to check again to confirm...!

Duncan Revell said:


I think there are similar functions - I recall making myself a little app to get customer details, before realising it already existed. But I’d need to check again to confirm...!

Cool, likewise, I will do some digging into shop runtimes. This can be helpful moving forward in my builds too. If I learn something relevant to this thread I will post back... thanks Duncan.

Duncan Revell

Duncan Revell 78 points
Registered Developer

Robert - don’t look too long!

I was thinking if something else (possibly cart related) - but I’m sure I did make some Little app to query customer details. Dead simple and basic, just querying the customer table and chucking out a runtime function...