Is there a list of cookies anywhere and the roles they play? I need to make note of this so I can display a popup notifying users of the use of cookies and create my cookie use policy.
Is there a list of cookies anywhere and the roles they play? I need to make note of this so I can display a popup notifying users of the use of cookies and create my cookie use policy.
Perch_ members creates "p_m" when logged in as a member. Perch admin creates a cookie when logged in to admin the site and it’s called "cmsa".
Other then that, any other cookies are likely set by using maps and other content embedded in your content.
Thanks for your input, Robert.
My iPad limits me to give you a better answer, but at the office I use chrome on my iMac and I click on the information icon in the address bar and the details drop down and show cookies, viewing these I generally only ever see (2) cookies I know are being set by perch and those are mentioned in my first reply.