
Thread tagged as: Error, Addons, Events

Issues with perch_events_category()


I'm having a couple of issues with perch_events_category()...

  1. I can't seem to get 'skip-template' to work - I've worked around this by creating a separate template that just returns the category title that I need.

  2. 'cache'=> false doesn't seem to work - I get messages saying that $cache is undefined - I think it just needs this variable to be initialised as false.

Unfortunately, I think that (2) is stopping my workaround in (1) working properly, as it is caching the alternative template that I am using.

I am using Events v1.9.


Andrew Finney

Andrew Finney 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Is your site in production or development mode?


PERCH_PRODUCTION_MODE isn't set in my config, so I guess it is PERCH_PRODUCTION.

However, I'm pretty sure its not a caching issue, as I removed all the *.cache files after each page refresh.

I've added "$cache = false;" to around line #297 of perch_events/runtime.php which seems to fix issue (2), and I think the logic for 'skip-template' might be missing too?


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, I think that's likely. The app is due an update.

OK, great.

No rush as I have a workaround, but good to know I won't have to make the same fix when I update the app next time...
