Search assets problems
The client has raised an issue when searching for images in Assets or a bucket.
Images have been named starting with "hole" then a number "1 ~ 18" then with short description "green, fairway, tee". Yes it's a golf club site.
You would think a quick sort would be "hole 18". That returns every image with "hole". Search again for "18" brings up nothing, I'm assuming two characters is too short?
Any suggestions how I could help the client find his images quickly.
I'm lost at the part about quick sorting. Could you elaborate?
Sorry I'll try be clearer.
There's 100+ images in assets all named starting with; "hole", then a number "1-18" etc. So there might be 5+ images of "hole 17".
In assets or picking an image do a search for "hole 17" and all 100+ images are returned in assets that all mention hole in no order with say 17 to the top.
Had you considered using tags instead? Might work better.
Yes I can do that. I take it the problem here is you can't search for a word with only two characters what's the limit? Over 3?
I think two character should work.