
Thread tagged as: Problem, Members

Personalise Links - Reset Password Email

Hi, I have a perch site with multiple login areas using the members app. So I want users of both areas to be able to reset their password and to put in a link for them to return to the login. but I have two separate log-in pages depending of what service they are using. The difference for Perch, is that users of one service have a member tag of "distributor"

So I tried using two different reset password form templates and including a hidden input that passes the unique data to the email template, but It didn't work ? in the form I had this:

<perch:input type="hidden" value="linkA" name="pageLinkSource" id="pageLinkSource" />

And in the email I had this in the reset_password.html template.

<perch:email id="pageLinkSource" />

Any ideas why this wound't work and any suggestions would be amazing ! Thanks Dylan

Dylan Rynhart

Dylan Rynhart 0 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I can't think of a way to make that happen.

Thanks Drew, Is there no way to pass variables into the reset password template ?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

The only way is via the setting on the Settings page.