
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem

Assets not appearing on upload

H iDrew, I've just been uploading some .zip files (2 or 3 at a time - well below the 64mb upload limit of the server). however they not appearing in the bucket when I go to link to them. Also earlier today I noticed that over 100+ previously uploaded files (which had links to them) were also nolonger available.

Any thoughts as to what has happened? I've recently updated from .14 to .15 and the recent blog and members updates.

Nick Loat

Nick Loat 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Can you post your diagnostics report?

I've resolved the upload issue (that was a local conectivity problem) however the missing files is more worrying. I'm in the process of reuploading them all.

Perch: 2.8.15 Production mode: Production (100) Installed apps: content (2.8.15), assets (2.8.15), categories (2.8.15), perch_forms (1.8.3), perch_gallery (2.8.6), perch_mailchimp (2.0.1), perch_blog (5.0), perch_newsfeed (1), perch_comments (1.1), perch_members (1.4), perch_backup (1.2), perch_twitter (3.5.1) DB driver: PDO DB tables: perch2_blog_authors, perch2_blog_comments, perch2_blog_index, perch2_blog_posts, perch2_blog_posts_to_tags, perch2_blog_sections, perch2_blog_tags, perch2_blogs, perch2_categories, perch2_category_counts, perch2_category_sets, perch2_content_index, perch2_content_items, perch2_content_regions, perch2_forms, perch2_forms_responses, perch2_mailchimp_campaigns, perch2_mailchimp_history, perch2_mailchimp_log, perch2_mailchimp_stats, perch2_mailchimp_subscribers, perch2_members, perch2_members_forms, perch2_members_member_tags, perch2_members_sessions, perch2_members_tags, perch2_navigation, perch2_navigation_pages, perch2_newsfeed, perch2_page_templates, perch2_pages, perch2_resource_log, perch2_resource_tags, perch2_resources, perch2_resources_to_tags, perch2_scheduled_tasks, perch2_settings, perch2_twitter_scheduled_tweets, perch2_twitter_settings, perch2_twitter_tweets, perch2_user_privileges, perch2_user_role_privileges, perch2_user_roles, perch2_users Users: 2 App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', 'perch_blog', 'perch_comments', 'perch_forms', 'perch_mailchimp', 'perch_members', 'perch_twitter', 'perch_newsfeed', ); Scheduled tasks for perch_blog: delete_spam_comments (1440 mins) Scheduled tasks for perch_mailchimp: update_list_stats (60 mins) Scheduled tasks for perch_twitter: post_tweets (1 mins), update_tweets (10 mins) Scheduled tasks for perch_newsfeed: update_news (1440 mins) Editor plug-ins: ckeditor, tinymce, redactor, markitup H1: 79a8ac065165c0a0be89b727cbba9fd0 L1: e1c252c3a4472f148eba51660f761193 headerColour: #ffffff content_singlePageEdit: 1 helpURL: perch_mailchimp_secret: 60e4accf6814078a980df398cd18fded hideBranding: 1 content_collapseList: 1 lang: en-gb-alt update_2.8.8: done latest_version: 2.8.15 on_sale_version: 2.8.15 headerScheme: light dashboard: 1 hide_pwd_reset: 0 content_hideNonEditableRegions: 1 content_frontend_edit: 0 perch_blog_update: 5.0.1 perch_blog_post_url: /news/post.php?s={postSlug} perch_backup_mysqldump_path: perch_blog_slug_format: %Y-%m-%d-{postTitle} perch_blog_akismet_key: perch_blog_max_spam_days: 1 perch_comments_akismet_key: perch_gallery_bucket_mode: dynamic perch_gallery_bucket: default perch_mailchimp_api_key: d14886cc8f69d57462b8d13ccb0572d6-us4 perch_mailchimp_list_id: a5132b78a9 perch_mailchimp_campaign_url: /mailchimp/campaign.php?s={campaignSlug} perch_members_login_page: /members/login.php?r={returnURL} perch_blog_comment_notify: 1 perch_gallery_basicUpload: 0 siteURL: / perch_mailchimp_update: 2.0 logoPath: /admin/resources/logo-RW.svg update_2.8.10: done perch_twitter_update: 3.5 update_2.8.11: done update_2.8.13: done update_2.8.14: done update_2.8.15: done perch_members_update: 1.4 PERCH_DEVELOPMENT: 10 PERCH_STAGING: 50 PERCH_PRODUCTION: 100 PERCH_DB_USERNAME: cl18-rapture PERCH_DB_SERVER: localhost PERCH_DB_DATABASE: cl18-rapture PERCH_DB_PREFIX: perch2_ PERCH_TZ: UTC PERCH_EMAIL_FROM: PERCH_EMAIL_FROM_NAME: Rebecca Aird PERCH_LOGINPATH: /admin PERCH_PATH: /home/sites/ PERCH_CORE: /home/sites/ PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /home/sites/ PERCH_RESPATH: /admin/resources PERCH_HTML5: 1 PERCH_SCHEDULE_SECRET: junkanoo PERCH_RUNWAY: PERCH_ERROR_MODE: DIE PERCH_DATE_LONG: %d %B %Y PERCH_DATE_SHORT: %d %b %Y PERCH_TIME_SHORT: %H:%M PERCH_TIME_LONG: %H:%M:%S PERCH_DEBUG: PERCH_PREVIEW_ARG: preview PERCH_TEMPLATE_PATH: /home/sites/ PERCH_DEFAULT_DOC: index.php PERCH_DEFAULT_EXT: .php PERCH_PRODUCTION_MODE: 100 PERCH_RWD: PERCH_HTML_ENTITIES: PERCH_SSL: PERCH_STRIPSLASHES: PERCH_PROGRESSIVE_FLUSH: 1 PERCH_AUTH_PLUGIN: PERCH_DB_CHARSET: utf8 PERCH_DB_PORT: PERCH_DB_SOCKET: PERCH_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINS: 20 PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_PLUGIN: markitup PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_MARKUP_LANGUAGE: textile Hosting settings PHP: 5.5.30 Zend: 2.5.0 OS: Linux SAPI: cgi-fcgi Safe mode: not detected MySQL client: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 15d5c781cfcad91193dceae1d2cdd127674ddb3e $ MySQL server: 5.5.35 Extensions: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, bz2, calendar, ctype, hash, filter, ftp, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, pcntl, readline, Reflection, session, standard, shmop, SimpleXML, sockets, mbstring, tokenizer, xml, cgi-fcgi, bcmath, curl, dom, enchant, fileinfo, gd, imap, intl, json, ldap, exif, mcrypt, mssql, mysqlnd, mysql, mysqli, odbc, PDO, pdo_dblib, pdo_mysql, PDO_ODBC, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, pspell, recode, soap, sqlite3, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, wddx, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, mhash, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader GD: Yes ImageMagick: No PHP max upload size: 64M PHP max form post size: 64M PHP memory limit: 128M Total max uploadable file size: 64M Resource folder writeable: Yes Session timeout: 24 minutes Native JSON: Yes Filter functions: Yes Transliteration functions: Yes PATH: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin UNIQUE_ID: VkRGGX8AAAEAAEqvZ7QAAAAX SCRIPT_URL: /admin/core/settings/diagnostics/ SCRIPT_URI: HTTP_HOST: HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0 HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: en-GB,en;q=0.5 HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip, deflate HTTP_REFERER: HTTP_COOKIE: __atuvc=53%7C45; _ga=GA1.3.1475504153.1447259288; cmsa=1; cmssb=0; PHPSESSID=5nh02mgdr3mlq01828mh2fua43; p_m=3bc50efdcb5906a019d5a71f0cc9209e69cb260a; __atuvs=56444027669e5208011; _gat=1 HTTP_CONNECTION: close SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/2.4.10 (Unix) SERVER_NAME: SERVER_ADDR: SERVER_PORT: 80 REMOTE_ADDR: DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/sites/ REQUEST_SCHEME: http CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/sites/ SERVER_ADMIN: root@localhost SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/sites/ REMOTE_PORT: 39707 GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1 SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1 REQUEST_METHOD: GET QUERY_STRING: extended REQUEST_URI: /admin/core/settings/diagnostics/?extended SCRIPT_NAME: /admin/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php PHP_SELF: /admin/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT: 1447314969.5017 REQUEST_TIME: 1447314969
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Ok. It's going to be very hard to debug if you're replacing the files, so let us know if it happens again.

Will do.