Replace or transform strings in template
I have a case where the DB has a string with comma separated values and In some cases it I need the commas in others I need a new line.
I've tried to use the replace attribute but I have not managed to achieve this? How can I do this?
<perch:content id="services" type="text" replace=",|<br/>" />
<perch:content id="services" type="text" replace=",|\n" />
Actually now that I see, the comma does not get replace even for any character. Is there a way to pipe string to other functions or something and get a mutation of that value and print it in the template
There is in Perch 3 - template filters. I don't have a solution for Perch 2
Perch 3? I had no idea there was a 3. Do you have a link to download and see Perch 3?
It not available yet, it's the future release with lots of new bells and whistles. I think 2.9 has been scrapped in favor of 3.0. :)
Read here.