PerchSystem:set_var issue
OK, so I am having trouble passing a variable into a template:
<a href="<?php $url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); /* detect referrer */
if ($url['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { /* if domain matches, go back */
PerchSystem::set_var('back_link', 'javascript: history.go(-1)');
echo "javascript: history.go(-1)"; } else { PerchSystem::set_var('back_link', '/portfolio/');
echo '/portfolio/'; } ?>" class="back_anchor">Back to Portfolio</a>
perch_content_custom('Portfolio', array(
'page' => '/portfolio.php',
'template' => 'portfolio_detail.html',
'filter' => 'slug',
'match' => 'eq',
'value' => perch_get('s'),
'count' => 1,
As you can see, I am doing two things here: setting the href on the page and also setting the variable for the template.
In the template I have:
<a href="<perch:content id="back_link" type="hidden"/>" class="back_anchor mobile-hide">Back to Portfolio</a>
However the output is empty and no href is applied. I am sure I am doing something silly as usual, just need someone to point it out!
Remove type=“hidden”
Well I did have type="text" before, but obviously it showed in the cms form....and still didn't work
You don’t need a “type” when injecting into a template. Have you verified you are actually have data in the variable your passing in?
<perch:showall />
to your template should show you what's available.Ah yes, that'd be it Robert - taking out the "type" worked. Thanks!