Display all items related to a dataselect value
I don't think my brain is working properly at the moment...
I have a page that lists a bunch of vehicles. I want each vehicle listed under their respective brand. On the vehicle page in the admin, the brand is selected using a dataselect (from a shared region). That's all working as expected.
However I'm having trouble getting my head around how I'd display the brands on a page, and the vehicles associated with each...
Brand X - Vehicle 1 - Vehicle 2 - Vehicle 3
Brand Y - Vehicle 4 - Vehicle 5 - Vehicle 6
I should probably be using categories for this but if there's a way to do it I'd rather not have to go back and rebuild stuff...
Any suggestions?
This is with a data select in Perch, not a relationship in Runway, correct?
Yup, that's correct
Hi Drew, do you have any suggestions on this one?
I'd sort the list by the dataselect field and then show the heading when it changes using the
option onperch:if