Perch shop addresses - display billing and shipping title
Hi there,
Is it possible using perch_shop_customer_addresses();
- (which uses list.html to display the customers addresses) - to display a title above which is the shipping address and which is the billing?
The template is:
<div class="customer-Address">
<div class="customer-Address_Block">
<p><strong><perch:shop id="addressFirstName" /> <perch:shop id="addressLastName" /><br /></strong>
<perch:if exists="addressCompany"><perch:shop id="addressCompany" /><br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="address_1"><perch:shop id="address_1" /><br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="address_2"><perch:shop id="address_2" /><br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="city"><perch:shop id="city" /> <br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="county"><perch:shop id="county" /> <br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="postcode"><perch:shop id="postcode" /> <br /></perch:if>
<perch:if exists="country_name"><perch:shop id="country_name" /></perch:if>
<a href="/account/addresses/<perch:shop id="addressID" />/">Edit</a>
<perch:showall />
Using <perch:showall />
I can't see any difference in the address information to help define which is which
I'm fairly sure you should be able to see
in showall - to should show Default or Shipping or something.You are indeed correct. I was looking through the returned items in showall and I completely missed it. Much appreciated