
Thread tagged as: Question, Redactor

Using default="" with Redactor


I'm trying to be clever (?) and use the default="" option with redactor as the details will be the same every time the client creates a new page, however still giving them the ability to edit the text should they wish but nothing is displaying within Redactor.

<perch:content id="vacancyApp" type="textarea" editor="redactor" html="true" label="How to apply" divider-before="How To Apply" default="<p>Apply in writing with CV to:</p><p>xxxxxxxxxxxxx<br>HR Manager<br>xxxxxxxxx<br>xxxxxxxxxxx<br>xxxxxxxxx<br>xxxxxxxx<br>xxxxxxxxx</p><p>Or email <a herf='mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx'>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</a></p>" />

Is it the html tags like <p> which is stopping it from working or the fact it won't work with redactor?

Or is there a better way of doing what I'm trying to do?

Thank you


Glen Piggott

Glen Piggott 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Simon Clay

Simon Clay 127 points

Hi Glen, that's a great idea. Unfortunately it only seems to work with plain text. As soon as you put a <p> in it, it doesn't show.
