
Thread tagged as: Events

As long as it's multiple day events and not repeating events, I think I could help you.

Hi Montgomery

I would be interested in this... I only need the Events plugin to handle events that last more than one day. Repeating events would be nice but the multi-day is more common/crucial.

Many thanks


Hi Montgomery - just wondering if you may have missed this post?



  • BUMP * ;-D

Rich! I'm so sorry! So if you update your fullcalendar to 3.01 there's now support for a list layout.

To bring it into your layout, you would change the line which calls the views:

right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'

by adding one of these: listDay, listWeek, listMonth, or listYear

here's the page for that:

and this is where you would download.

Again, Sorry I forgot and then missed your post. Let me know how you make out.

Regards, Monty

Any updates for multi-day functionality in Events App? Thank you!

Not currently